Terms & Conditions

When you visit this website, you agree to our terms and conditions without any conditions. We have the right to review and modify these terms and conditions at any time, at our sole discretion. Every purchase made through this website will be subject to these Online Shopping Terms and Conditions. This website is owned and operated by MISBAH FURNISHING, with its registered office at Madhosingh Ghosia Bazar P.O. Aurai Bhadohi U.P. 221301, and the domain name www.carpetemporio.in is registered in the name of MISBAH FURNISHING, a registered organisation under the Companies Act, 1956.

Product Visual Discrepancies: We strive to create our products as perfectly as possible. However, what you see on the website may appear differently on various computer screens, including colours, shades, textures, sizes, and appearances. If you’d like to see photographs of products not displayed online, you can request them by emailing manager@carpetemporio.in

Website Copyright: This website is specifically designed and protected by copyright. Any form of imitation is strictly prohibited. MISBAH FURNISHING holds copyright over all social media content posted by the company on platforms such as Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram. Plagiarism will be subject to legal action under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India. Prices of all premium quality carpets are listed on our site, and we confirm your order by sending you an order confirmation via email. Our website may contain links to third-party sites for which we are not responsible. We do not hold any responsibility or liability for the content posted on these third-party websites.

Prohibited Information Sharing: You are not allowed to upload, display, host, modify, distribute, transmit, publish, list, or share any information that:

(a) belongs to someone other than you,

(b) is harmful, harassing, inappropriate, offensive, indecent, obscene, pornographic, defamatory, invasive of someone’s privacy, hateful, or culturally, nationally objectionable, disparaging, connected to money gambling, laundering, or any illegal activity,

(c) harms minors,

(d) infringes patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other proprietary rights,

(e) violates any currently applicable law,

(f) misleads recipients or communicates information that is entirely offensive or threatening in nature,

(g) impersonates another individual,

(h) contains software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to disrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer resource,

(i) threatens the sovereignty, integrity, defense, security, or relations with foreign states, incites or prevents the investigation of any offense, or is derogatory towards any other country,

(j) creates liability for us or causes our services (wholly or partially) to be disrupted by ISPs or other providers.

Credit/Debit Card Details: You acknowledge, consent, and confirm the accuracy of the credit/debit card information provided by you for using our services on our website. The credit cards should belong to you and should contain correct and valid information. The information provided by you will not be used or shared by us with any third party unless required for legal evidence as per the law’s regulations or court orders. We cannot be held responsible for any credit card fraud, and you will be responsible for any potential credit card fraud. The burden of proof shall solely be on you.

Trademarks: Trademarks, logos, and service marks displayed on the website are our property. You are prohibited from using any mark for any purpose without prior written permission from us or the third party. All content, including any software program on our website, is protected by copyright. Users cannot modify, copy, distribute, display, transmit, sell, license, or create derivative works using any existing content on our website for commercial or public purposes.

Arbitration: In the event of any legal dispute between the company and the customer regarding individual use of the website, including matters related to interpretation, performance, or alleged breach of any provision of this agreement, including the privacy policies and documents incorporated by reference, the dispute will be referred to a sole arbitrator who will be an independent and neutral third party recognized by the Company. The arbitration will take place in Delhi, and the proceedings will be governed by the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996, and will be conducted in English.

Governing Law: This agreement and the privacy policy, along with any documents incorporated by reference, will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India, under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Delhi.

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